Planning and Programming at IDOT
UTC Spring 2021 Seminar Series
March 4, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

With the implementation of Rebuild Illinois, federally required performance management, and the year 2020, there has been plenty of considerations for Planning and Programming at the Illinois Department of Transportation.
The first UTC Seminar Series presentation of the Spring 2021 Semester was led by Ms. Holly Bieneman, IDOT Director of the Office of Planning and Programming.
Ms. Bienenman reviewed new initiatives and how the pandemic and enhanced considerations of equity has affected them along with how the Department is working to mitigate the effects of the pandemic. After the presentation, participants can pose questions.
Revisit the presentation by downloading audio and visual recordings and the PowerPoint presentation.
More on our featured speaker: Holly (Ostdick) Bieneman has over 15 years’ experience conducting planning and programming at the local, regional, and state level. In September 2020 she was appointed to the Director of the Office of Planning and Programming position at IDOT, where she and her team is responsible for developing plans and programs aimed at improving the state’s transportation system. Core functions include: oversight and coordination of the state’s planning efforts, developing the annual multi-year and multimodal programs, monitoring and surveillance of the physical condition of the transportation system, evaluation of costs and benefits of new infrastructure investments, and to provide data, mapping and research to support these and other projects across the department
Date posted
Feb 10, 2021
Date updated
Mar 4, 2021