The Evolution of Microtransit in the United States
UTC Spring 2023 Seminar Series
February 16, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Microtransit is tech-enabled shared transportation that lives in the space between traditional fixed route transit and ride hailing technology. Vehicle routes are flexible and shift constantly based on rider demand; and vehicles range in size from vans, shuttles, or buses. Microtransit expands a transit system's reach, typically serving populations that are low-density, low-income, and/or lacking reliable transportation options.
The debut UTC Spring 2023 Seminar Series presentation featured two speakers from Via Transportation, Inc. who shared thoughts regarding how on-demand and transit has evolved over the past decade to play a part in urban, suburban, and rural transit systems nationwide. Our speakers also addressed the impact of microtransit to date and its future potential.
Featured speakers were Nahry Tak, Central Partnerships Director, and Katie Malkin, State and Local Policy Director, at Via.
Download the video, audio only, Chat comments and PowerPoint presentation.
Date posted
Feb 2, 2023
Date updated
Feb 16, 2023