Alumni Profile: Brian Tomkins

MUPP, Project Assistant, Metropolitan Mayors Caucus Heading link

Responsibilities: I am the Project Assistant for the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus, a membership-based organization of the Chicago region’s 275 cities, towns and villages. We provide the platform for Chicago’s chief elected officials to engage and build consensus on public policy issues. In addition to serving on various committees, such as the Environment Committee and Housing and Community Development Committee, I am responsible for managing two programs: Public Sector Energy Efficiency and Powering Safe Communities Municipal. Day-to-day tasks include: data collection and analysis, financial management, community outreach, policy analysis, event planning and civic engagement.
How UTC Prepared Me for a Career in Transportation: The Urban Transportation Center provided me the forum to exchange ideas with students, researchers, transportation professionals and professors. These engagements allowed me to learn and develop skills from various types of professionals. Through my research, under the guidance of Dr. P.S. Sriraj, I was able to learn how take complex sets of data, analyze them, and present results succinctly. Without a doubt, the resources available at UTC prepared me for my career.