Alumni Profile: CJ Bright

MUPP, Chief Transit Planner, Transdev North America Heading link

Responsibilities: I am the Chief Transit Planner for Transdev North America, Inc. I am responsible for work with our local contracts and clients in providing transit service planning and scheduling services throughout the country. The work varies from leading the development of a Comprehensive Service Analysis to working on fixing schedules to improve on time performance for our customers (passengers).
How UTC Prepared Me for a Career in Transportation: I was fortunate enough to become a Research Assistant at the UTC. I was able to work on the CTA-MIT-UIC Research Collaboration Project after my CTA internship ended. I partnered with a lot of planners and schedulers on both the bus and rail side for my master’s project learning the inner workings of a transit agency. The valuable knowledge gained from this opportunity had a direct impact in me being hired at Transdev, and provided me with the right information and experiences to jumpstart my career in transit planning.
Modified on April 24, 2020