Archived UTC Spring 2022 Seminar Series

Download Zoom Recordings and PowerPoint Presentations from Two Events
In spring 2022, the UTC hosted two Seminar Series presentations that centered on funding and workforce development. Visit the links below.
March 17: “The Federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Opportunities for Transformative Change.” This presentation focused on how federal funding will help make public transportation and communities stronger and more resilient. The featured speaker was Art Guzzetti, Vice President of Mobility Initiatives and Public Policy, at the American Public Transportation Association. During his passionate talk, Mr. Guzzetti addressed the “triple hit” the COVID-19 pandemic brought to the nation’s public transit network.
Download the video, audio and PowerPoint presentation.
April 21: The presentation addressed how a 2021 law signed by Illinois Governor Pritzker will lead to transportation-related and other jobs in the years ahead. Featured speaker was Delmar Gillus, Chief Operating Officer, from the Chicago-based non-profit organization Elevate. His topic: “Equitable Workforce Development: How Communities Influenced Creating & Passing of the Illinois Climate & Equitable Jobs Act.”