Commentary on the State of U.S. Public Transit

UTC Director Dr. P.S. Sriraj Featured in Audacy "Connect the Dots" Podcast
The state of mass transit in America pre, mid and post-pandemic, how commuters have been impacted in the past year, and transit funding in the future is the focus of a podcast aired September 22 that included commentary from UTC Director Dr. P.S. Sriraj.
Entitled, "Is America's Public Transit Doomed?", the Audacy-produced podcast is part of the "Connect the Dots" series.
During the 20-plus minute podcast, Dr. Sriraj tells host Linda Lopez that nationwide, public transit has lost ridership since 2014 -- but there reasons for optimism. The discussion included thoughts on the value of public transit to essential workers, the need to maintain a state of good repair, and the impact of ride share companies.
The podcast also featured thoughts from Juan Matute, the Deputy Director of the UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies, who noted that mobility as a service could prove very beneficial for Los Angeles-area commuters who don't have access to an automobile.