UTC at TRB 2025
View Faculty & Staff Committee and Session Participation
The 2025 meeting of the Transportation Research Board will be held in Washington, DC from January 5 to 9. As in years past, faculty researchers and staff of the Urban Transportation Center will actively participate in this annual gathering of transportation scholars, professionals and students.
Here's a list of Committee and Session participation from UTC faculty and staff, and from Affiliated Faculty members:
Dr. P.S. Sriraj
Committee Meetings:
Transit Management and Performance, Monday January 6, 8 am to noon.
Transit Capacity and Quality of Service, Monday January 6, 1:30 to 3:15 pm.
Conference Activities:
Lectern Session: "Factors Affecting Passenger Satisfaction in Public Transportation," Tuesday January 7, 10:15 am to noon.
Dr. Paul Metaxatos (remotely participating)
Committee Meetings:
Highway-Rail Grade Crossings Committee, Monday January 6, 8 to 9:45 am.
Transportation Planning Analysis and Application Committee, Monday January 6, 1:30 to 5:30 pm.
Urban Data and Information Systems Committee,
Tuesday January 7, 8 to 9:45 am.
Dr. Cemal Ayvalik
Committee Meetings:
Standing Committee on Travel Survey Methods, Monday January 6, 10:15 am to noon.
Standing Committee on Urban Data and Information Systems, Tuesday January 7, 8 to 9:45 am.
Conference Activities:
Presiding the Poster Session #3090 - “Travel Survey Experiences in the Post-Pandemic Era” Tuesday January 7, 10:15 am to noon. Convention Center, Hall A.
Dr. Manaswinee Kar
Conference Activities:
Lectern Session: Presentation of dissertation paper: "An Enhanced Fuzzy AHP Method for Identification of Potential Park-and-ride Facility Locations in Delhi, India" Event Number 4018. Wednesday, January, 8 to 9:45 am.
Dr. Suvin Padinjare Venthuruthiyil
Conference Activities:
Event Title: "Enhancing Asset Management and Safety Through Data-Driven Insights." Tuesday January 7, 3:45 to 5:30 pm. Presentation Title: "Safety Buffer and its Association with Vehicle Type and Speed: an Empirical Evaluation Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data."
Committee Meetings:
Traffic Signal Systems Simulation Subcommittee, Sunday January 5, 8:30 to 9:30 am.
Surrogate Safety Measures Subcommittee, Monday January 6, 8 to 9:45 am.
Innovative Public Transportation Services and Technologies Committee, Monday January 6, 8 am to noon
Highway Traffic Monitoring Committee, Monday 1:30 to 3:15 pm
Dr. Kazuya Kawamura
Conference Activities:
Presiding Officer at Lectern Session: Curbside Allocation and Electric Vehicle Needs: Challenges in Infrastructure Management, Tuesday January 7, 8 to 9:45 am
Lectern Session: New Approaches to Grade Crossing Safety and Community Impacts. Monday January 6, 3:45 to 5:30 pm.
Lectern Session: Assessing Monetized Delay Costs and Mitigation Strategies for At-Grade Highway-Rail Crossings: A Case Study of Dolton, Illinois (K. Kawamura, J. Fazio, and P. Choobch.
Dr. Nebiyou Tilahun
Conference Activities:
Poster Session: The Racial Composition and Volume of Tickets at Red Light Cameras. Monday January 6, 10:15 am to noon, Convention Center, Hall A.
Poster Session: Determinants of Speed Camera Location Choice. Tuesday January 7, 10:15 am to noon, Convention Center, Hall A.
Edward M. Bury
Committee Meetings:
Committee Communications Coordinating Council, Monday January 6, 7 to 8 am.
Research Innovation Implementation Management, Monday January 6, 1:30 to 5:30 pm.