UTC Contributes to 65th Annual Transportation Research Forum
![UTC researchers delivered three presentations at 65th TR Forum April 5 and 6, 2024](https://utc.uic.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/75/2024/04/Amy-Hofstra-TR-Forum-1-1090x595.jpg)
Researchers Address Demand Response, Mobility Options and Rural Planning
Scholarly research on three different -- but increasingly important -- transportation topics were presented by researchers from the Urban Transportation Center during the 65th Annual Transportation Research Forum held April 4 and 5 at George Mason University in Arlington, Virginia.
Here is a breakdown:
- SESSION 1.2 ANALYSIS OF THE DEMAND FOR RAIL TRANSIT AND PASSENGER VEHICLE TRAVEL. PhD Candidate Amy Hofstra presented, "The Right Thing to Do? Demand Response Transit to Alleviate Transportation Insufficiency." UTC Director Dr. P.S. Sriraj and CUPPA Professor Dr. Kazuya Kawamura contributed to the research.
- SESSION 2.1 IMPROVING THE MOBILITY AND SAFETY OF USERS OF TRANSPORTATION. PhD Candidate Pietro Buffoni presented, "Strategies of Integration with Innovative Mobility Options to Complement Public Transit Networks." Download a PDF copy of the presentation.
- SESSION 2.2 SETTING PRIORITIES FOR STATE AND LOCAL TRANSPORTATION INVESTMENTS. Mr. Buffoni presented, "Rural Planning Organizations and State Departments of Transportation." Dr. Sriraj led the study related to this subject; the research was sponsored by the Illinois Department of Transportation. Download a PDF copy of the presentation.
In March, the UTC completed the study, "Regional Rural Transportation Planning and the Role of the Rural Planning Organizations," which was funded by the Illinois Department of Transportation through the Metropolitan Transportation Support Initiative (METSI) program. Click here to read an abstract and download the full report.
The TR Forum conference drew transportation practitioners, consultants, regulators, and students and faculty from universities around the world and featured a wide range of panel discussions, presentations, a poster session and networking opportunities.