Research Project

Ramp High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV)

Using traffic simulation software, FREQ12 and VISSIM, the study will address the potential of ramp metering and the combination of ramp metering with parallel HOV by-pass lanes and associated support strategies. The study will be conducted for both inbound and outbound traffic flows for both the AM and PM peak periods.

Principal Investigator
Kawamura, Kazuya
Research Area(s)
Data Development
Funding Source
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP)


The focus of this study: To determine the effectiveness in terms of: reduced travel delay, value of travel time saved, fuel volume savings, fuel cost savings, reduced vehicle emissions, increased person throughput and traffic safety if this transportation management and operations strategy were to be applied in the Northwest Study Area, defined as IL Route 53 and I-290 approximately between Lake Cook Road and Austin Avenue. The following tasks comprise the scope of work for this research:

  1. Determine appropriate set of parallel streets to be modeled as alternative routes as well as appropriate analysis time period.
  2. Code the parallel arterial roads in FREQ.
  3. Link planning agency trip tables to FREQ software system.
  4. Accomplish VISSIM coding and analysis for the AM/PM peak periods in both directions at the I-290, I-294, and I-88 interchange area.
  5. Complete the initial traffic volume calibrations of the FREQ model for existing conditions.
  6. Determine 2030 traffic volumes and vehicle types using planning agency data.
  7. Input traffic data to the FREQ traffic simulation model for the 2030 conditions.
  8. Conduct no build/build FREQ runs for the current condition and the 2030 period.
  9. Summarize FREQ simulation results for comparative purposes for both mainline expressway travel and arterial roads.
  10. Compare FREQ analysis results and state change in percentage terms between current base and 2030 base as well as alternates.
  11. Conduct a ramp back-up analysis to determine effects on crossing arterial roadways.
  12. Provide technical input for the analysis of project cost/benefit to be conducted by planning agency.
  13. Provide technical input for the documentation of the preliminary project benefits.
  14. AVO change, effect on peak period ‘what if’ determinations.
Download the "Ramp High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV)" study.