
Archived UTC Seminar Series and CUTC Webinars

UTC Seminar Series

Archived UTC Spring 2023 Seminar Series

February 16: “The Evolution of Microtransit in the United States.”

The debut UTC Spring 2023 Seminar Series presentation February 16 featured two speakers from Via Transportation, Inc. who shared thoughts regarding how on-demand and transit has evolved over the past decade to play a part in urban, suburban, and rural transit systems nationwide. Download the video, audio only, Chat messages and PowerPoint presentation.

March 16: “Reimagining Regional Mobility for a Post-pandemic World.

For nearly two years, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) worked collaboratively with transportation leaders and advocates to develop a visionary strategy that can support an equitable post-pandemic recovery, sustain the transit network, and ease a rebound in congestion. Daniel Comeaux, a senior policy analyst for CMAP who led the Mobility Recovery initiative, shared behind-the-scenes insights about the project and what lessons the region can use to ensure this visionary strategy becomes reality.  Download the video, audio only, Chat messages and PowerPoint presentation.

April 13:  “Lessons from a Bike Advocate: The Impact of Local Advocacy on the Community and a Career.”

Positive change at the community level is the guiding principle for local advocates. Advocacy can sometimes be exhausting work, but the improvements that result are often well worth the time and energy – for the community and on a personal level.  Our featured speaker was Dave Simmons, Executive Director of Ride Illinois.  In his presentation, Dave shared insights on how his long-time passion for cycling led to a career change and local advocacy. Download the video, audio only, Chat messages and PowerPoint presentation.

Archived UTC Fall 2023 Seminar Series

For fall 2023, the UTC Seminar Series centered on the growing microtransit shared transportation networks nationwide and across metropolitan Chicago.

These online presentations were held via Zoom. Our sincere thanks to the transportation professionals who shared knowledge and insight, and to those who registered and participated in these hour-long conversations.  Watch this space for news early in 2024 on Seminar Series events for the Spring semester.

September 21: “New Developments in Microtransit,” with Natalie Covill-Fontaine of the Federal Transit Administration and Rudy Faust of the Shared Use Mobility Center.  Download the zoom AV, audio only, Chat and PowerPoint decks. 

October 19: “Connecting Cook County: An Overview of Cook County’s Support for Microtransit and Multimodal Initiatives,” with Curtis Witek and Benet Haller of the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development, and Joe Ronovsky from the Village of Bedford Park. Download the zoom AV, audio only and PowerPoint deck.

November 16: “Connecting Riders: Pace Contracts with Rideshare Services to Strengthen First/Last-Mile Connections,” with Steven Andrews, Pace Suburban Bus Community Relations Manager.  Download the zoom AV, audio only, Chat and PowerPoint deck.

Archived UTC Spring 2022 Seminar Series 

In Spring 2022, the UTC hosted two Seminar Series presentations that centered on funding and workforce development.  Presenters represented the American Public Transportation Association and Elevate.

Access recordings and PowerPoint presentations.

The Fall 2022 Seminar Series presentations that focused on: 1) The state of transportation in metropolitan Chicago in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. 2) Improvements to mobility options through the Chicago Free Bike and new e-scooter programs.  3) An analysis of the great maritime network that helped define the city.

Access recordings and PowerPoint presentations.


Archived Seminar Series 2021 Presentations

In Spring of 2021, the UTC hosted three Seminar Series webinars featuring representatives from the state, county and regional governments.

Access recordings and PowerPoint presentations.

In Fall 2021, the UTC hosted three Seminar Series webinars featuring presentations by leaders from two Chicago-area transportation service bureaus and a panel led by the Regional Transportation Authority.

Access recordings and PowerPoint presentations.


CUTC Seminars

Please click on the links below to learn about webinars led by UTC faculty and staff researchers in 2014 and 2015.  These hour-long, no-cost transportation presentations are hosted by the Center for Urban Transportation Research at the University of South Florida.

Incentivizing Off-Peak Delivery (OPD) of Freight

Scheduled for 11 a.m. to noon Central time, Thursday October 15.  Participants will learn about an OPD pilot project under development in metropolitan Chicago from a UTC research program funded by the National University Rail Center (NURail). Presenter: James C. LaBelle, UTC Senior Research Specialist, Urban Transportation Center.

Visit this page to listen to a broadcast of the October 15, 2015 webcast (scroll down to Recording section) and download the PowerPoint presentation and a copy of the OPD report, “Off-Peak Delivery: A Pilot Project for the Chicago Region.” Want more? Click here to view an abstract.


Integrated Modeling of High Performance Passenger and Freight Train Operation Planning on Shared use Rail Corridors: A Focus on the U.S. Context

Scheduled for 11 a.m. to noon Central time, Thursday October 29. Participants will learn about completed UTC research that led to development of a hypergraph based, two-level model that may help minimize the impact of delays resulting from shared passenger and freight rail corridors. The research was funded through the Metropolitan Transportation Support Initiative (METSI). Presenter: Dr. Bo Zou, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Materials Engineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and  an affiliated faculty member of the Urban Transportation Center.

Visit this page to listen to a broadcast of the October 29, 2015 webcast (scroll down to Recording section) and download the PowerPoint presentation and a copy of the Shared Use Rail report, “Integrated Modeling of High Performance Passenger and Freight Train Operation Planning on Shared Use Rail Corridors: A Focus on the U.S. Context.” Want more? Click here to view an abstract.


Pedestrian/Bicyclist Warning Devices and Signs at Highway-Rail and Pathway-Rail Grade Crossings

On June 12, 2014 Dr. P.S. Sriraj and Dr. Paul Metaxatos led a webinar on completed research involving pedestrian and cyclist safety at railroad grade crossings.  Learn more and download a recorded version of the webinar.


Value Capture Coordination: Best Practices and Case Studies for Transit Capital Projects

UTC Research Transportation Planner/Analyst Jordan Snow led a webinar July 24, 2014 on the subject of value capture, a process that can be used to help fund new transit systems, expand existing ones and modernize stations and terminals.  Learn more and download a recorded version of the webinar.


Sustainability Metrics and Mapping Tool for Environmental Assessment of Rail Infrastructure in Illinois

This webinar will present a comprehensive mapping tool for environmental impact assessment of rail infrastructure in Illinois.  The presentation was delivered December 11, 2014 by Dr. Ning Ai. Learn more and download a recorded version of the webinar.