IDOT/METSI and Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR)
This study focuses on creating a hypothetical public transportation option to reaching a leisure destination in a large metro area to highlight the adequacy of the existing transit network in catering to the needs of disadvantaged population groups.
Metropolitan Transportation Support Initiative (METSI)
The objectives of this study were to better understand the commuting patterns of the workforce in healthcare institutions, explore the factors that impact commuting behavior and environmental impacts, identify opportunities for reducing transportation-related environmental impacts, and suggest policy interventions that aim to reduce transportation-related emissions inherent in health care provision
Federal Transit Administration, Illinois Department of Human Services
Technical assistance has been or is currently being provided to over twenty localities in the state of Illinois. Recommendations to improve service, funding and administration have been made to improve their welfare to work programs. Two components of the statewide database are being developed for use by IDOT; an operating funding and capital asset components. These will facilitate the coordination of funding of transportation by state transportation, social service and economic development agencies.
This report presents the findings of phase two of a research project that examines statewide mobility management programs and the individuals who lead them.
To work closely with and provide technical services to the RTA as needed. There are three tasks under the current contract:
1) Strategic Plan Assessment and Gap Analysis.
2) Paratransit Assessment.
3) Evaluation of RTAP.
To respond to the recommendations of the Northeastern Illinois Regional Transportation Task Force with respect to organizational changes in the regional transit system. To review mass transit funding issues following a Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) plan to seek $134.5 million in state revenue for Pace, Metra and the Chicago Transit Authority.
The goal of the site is to provide Illinois veterans, their families and the general public with an online resource offering a wide range of transportation options that can be accessed through “one-click” navigation and drop-down menu options
The expected results are an improvement in the organization and appearance of the website, improved functionality in accessing and maintaining the statewide provider inventory, improved functionality in the GIS application, and an update to all of the existing databases.